Extra: Nigeria

Newsletter No. 2002-7 (special edition) Consulaat-Generaal der Nederlanden Lagos November 2002 To whoever may read this, With this extra newsletter I would like to inform you about the following: Mr. Paul Hesselink (30 y.), a Dutch Citizen, accompanied by Kaye J. MacMillan, Australian Citizen , are doing an Africa Overland. Lees verder …

Bike Changes

Had a meeting with Patrick from XTravels. He made several trips to the Sahara, has his own saharatravelburo now and knows how to prepare bikes! With him I am going to make the following changes to the bike: Fit a Kickstarter, build a rack, fit a Cylinder Head Temperature Gauge Lees verder …

Yamaha XT600Z

Bought myself a nice bike for the trip. Although Yamaha is on its return and KTM is taking over. Certainly when they keep on winning Dakar. I choose an old but reliable bike. The Yamaha XT 600 Z from 1990 a 3AJ. It needs some work to get it Africa Lees verder …